C. K. Masonry Co., Inc. works with municipalities and paving contractors to make necessary grade adjustments to manholes, valve boxes and curb inlets using brick, mortar, concrete and other masonry products providing a finished product that is perfectly level with the slope of the road.
Furthermore, through the use of a variety of masonry techniques, C. K. Masonry Co., Inc. can rehabilitate the chimney section of leaky manholes to eliminate I and I (Inflow and Infiltration or I&I) caused by poor chimney seals and leaky metal grade rings.
Our available services include: . Manhole, water valve, and curb inlet adjustments (raise or lower) . Casting removal and plating for street milling operations . Precise casting adjustments prior to or after paving operations . Manhole casting replacements with standard and watertight castings . Installation of Mueller adjustable manhole frames and covers . Post-installation of mechanical and chemical chimney seals . Complete manhole chimney rehabilitation
Adjustment Prior to Paving
Tagged for raising 1 3/4"
Air hammer cuts a circular trench 6" outside the frame.
Spoils are hauled away.
Casting flange is uncovered and ready for adjustment.
Depths under strings are measured.
Foundation is prepared for brick and mortar.
Brick and mortar are placed as needed.
With strings pulled, casting is tapped into position.
Once set, an interior seal is applied.
The casting is ready for asphaltic backfill.
Asphalt is ramped with a tamp.
Casting is ready for road traffic in the same day.
Adjustment After Paving
Mr. Manhole
C. K. Masonry Co., Inc. uses the Mr. Manhole System to produce a precise, concentric circular dry cut through asphalt or concrete to remove a manhole casting in minutes.